
Vocabulary (Review)

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There will be many times when the Persian is coming at you fast and furious, and you may not catch all or any of it. When this happens, asking the speaker to say it again, can make the difference between understanding a crucial piece of information, and spending the rest of the day trying to figure out what it was. These phrases will not only give you a better sense of the language, but will also help you tune your ear!
In Persian, "Repeat , please" is
Lotfan tekrar konid
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Lot – fan tek – rar ko - nid?
Once more:
Lotfan tekrar konid
We’ve studied the first word before, it is lotfan meaning “please.”
(slow) lot - fan
lot – fan
Then comes the verb tekrar konid, which means “repeat”
All together, that’s
(slow) Lot – fan tek – rar ko - nid
Lotfan tekrar konid
If you want to address someone formally, just add the word mishe, which means “is it possible” or “can you” at the beginning
(slow) mi - she
Now the phrase becomes
(slow) Mi - she lot – fan tek – rar ko - nid?
Mishe lotfan tekrar konid?
“Can you repeat that, please?”
You can also ask casually “Can you say that again?”:
Misheh dobareh begid?
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Mi - sheh do – ba – reh be - gid?
Once more:
Misheh dobareh begid?
The first word, misheh, means “Can you?”
(slow) misheh
Next we have dobareh, which means “again.”
(slow) do – ba - reh
After this comes begid, meaning “ say.”
(slow) be - gid
The whole question is
(slow) Mi - sheh do – ba – reh be - gid?
Misheh dobareh begid?
To make it a bit more formal—“Could you please say that again?”—we can add the word lotfan, or “please,” after mishe, to make it more polite and formal.
(slow) mi - sheh
misheh .
Altogether, that would be:
Misheh lotfan dobareh begid?
(slow) Misheh lotfan dobareh begid?
Misheh lotfan dobareh begid?
At times, you may not understand the speaker even after a repeat. This is often due to how fast the person is speaking. In these cases, you can say “Slower, please”:
Ahestetar, lotfan.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) A – hes – te – tar, lot - fan.
Once more:
Ahestetar, lotfan.
The first word, ahestetar, means “more slowly.”
(slow) a – hes – te - tar
The second word, lotfan, means “please.”
(slow) lot - fan
All together, that’s
(slow) a – hes – te – tar, lot - fan.
Ahestetar, lotfan.
We can use the phrases we’ve seen so far together.
“Can you repeat that slowly, please?” is
Misheh lotfan ahestetar tekrar konid?
(slow) Mi - sheh lot – fan a – hes – te – tar tek – rar ko - nid ?
Misheh lotfan ahestetar tekrar konid?

