
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to PersianPod101.com. This is Beginner Season 1, Lesson 6 - Talking About Your Plans in Persian. John here.
Mehrnaz: سلام (salaam), I'm Mehrnaz.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn about negating verbs. The conversation takes place at an office.
Mehrnaz: It's between Farhad and Hoda.
John: The speakers are co-workers, so they’ll speak informal Persian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
فرهاد: راستی جمعه با خواهرزاده‌هام (خواهرزاده‌هایم) می‌ریم (می‌رویم) کوه. میای(می‌‌آیی)؟
هدی: دوست دارم بیام (بیایم) ولی خیلی وقته (وقت است) ورزش نکردم.
فرهاد: ما هم کوهنوردی نمی‌کنیم. با تله کابین می‌ریم (می‌رویم) و برمی‌‌گردیم.
هدی: پس صبح زودم (زود هم) نمی‌رین (نمی‌‌روید).
فرهاد: ۹ صبح زوده (زود است)؟
هدی: من جمعه‌ها تا ۲ می‌خوابم.
فرهاد: اوکی‌، راستی یادم رفت بگم (بگویم) جمشید هم میاد (می‌آید).
هدی: اینو (این را) باید اول می‌گفتی‌.
فرهاد: ولی‌ تله کابین این جمعه در دست تعمیره (تعمیر است).
John: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
فرهاد: راستی جمعه با خواهرزاده‌هام (خواهرزاده‌هایم) می‌ریم (می‌رویم) کوه. میای(می‌‌آیی)؟
هدی: دوست دارم بیام (بیایم) ولی خیلی وقته (وقت است) ورزش نکردم.
فرهاد: ما هم کوهنوردی نمی‌کنیم. با تله کابین می‌ریم (می‌رویم) و برمی‌‌گردیم.
هدی: پس صبح زودم (زود هم) نمی‌رین (نمی‌‌روید).
فرهاد: ۹ صبح زوده (زود است)؟
هدی: من جمعه‌ها تا ۲ می‌خوابم.
فرهاد: اوکی‌، راستی یادم رفت بگم (بگویم) جمشید هم میاد (می‌آید).
هدی: اینو (این را) باید اول می‌گفتی‌.
فرهاد: ولی‌ تله کابین این جمعه در دست تعمیره (تعمیر است).
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Farhad: By the way, we're going climbing with my nieces and nephews on Friday. Will you join?
Hoda: I'd like to come, but I haven't worked out in a while.
Farhad: We won't be hiking! We'll take the gondola lift up and down.
Hoda: Then, you're not going early in the morning either?
Farhad: Would 9 be early?
Hoda: Fridays, I sleep in until 2.
Farhad: Ok, oh I forgot to tell you that Jamshid is coming along too.
Hoda: You should've said this first.
Farhad: But the gondola lift is under repair this Friday.
John: Sounds like a nice family day out!
Mehrnaz: Yes, I hope they have a nice time.
John: I see that they’re going out on Friday. Is that a usual day for outings?
Mehrnaz: In Iran, the weekend is Thursday and Friday.
John: Ah, that explains it! What do people do?
Mehrnaz: Some go out of the cities and into the countryside. Others go see a movie or go shopping. It depends on where you live and what your preferences are.
John: What’s popular in Tehran?
Mehrnaz: Well, there’s a famous ski resort in Tehran. If you’re not in Tehran, then Shiraz is a good spot.
John: What can you do there?
Mehrnaz: Drive for two hours to Yasooj city, and you’ll find another ski resort. There are also lots of historical places that you can easily reach.
John: Can you tell us about a couple?
Mehrnaz: You can easily get to the Persepolis ruins and the tomb of Cyrus the Great. Plus, the beaches of the Persian Gulf are only a four hour drive away.
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mehrnaz: خواهرزاده , برادر زاده [natural native speed]
John: nephew, niece
Mehrnaz: خواهرزاده , برادر زاده [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: خواهرزاده , برادر زاده [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: ورزش کردن [natural native speed]
John: to work out
Mehrnaz: ورزش کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: ورزش کردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: خیلی وقت [natural native speed]
John: in a while, long time, for a long time
Mehrnaz: خیلی وقت [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: خیلی وقت [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: کوهنوردی کردن [natural native speed]
John: mountain climbing
Mehrnaz: کوهنوردی کردن [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: کوهنوردی کردن [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: تله کابین [natural native speed]
John: gondola lift
Mehrnaz: تله کابین [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: تله کابین [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: جمعه [natural native speed]
John: Friday
Mehrnaz: جمعه [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: جمعه [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: راستی [natural native speed]
John: by the way, oh
Mehrnaz: راستی [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: راستی [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Mehrnaz: در دست تعمیر [natural native speed]
John: under repair
Mehrnaz: در دست تعمیر [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: در دست تعمیر [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Mehrnaz: چون، چونکه، زیرا [natural native speed]
John: because
Mehrnaz: چون، چونکه، زیرا [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mehrnaz: چون، چونکه، زیرا [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
در دست تعمیره. (تعمیر است.)
John: Meaning "It is under repair,” or “It is under maintenance." Can you break this phrase down for us?
Mehrnaz: This phrase is made of در, which means "in," دست (dast) which means "hand," تعمیر which means "repair," and finally است
John: Which means “is.” It literally means “in the hand of repair,” but we translate it to “it is under repair.”
Mehrnaz: You can use this whenever anything is being repaired.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mehrnaz: Sure. For example, you can say, ماشین من در دست تعمیر است.
John: ...which means "My car is under repair."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about negating verbs. Mehrnaz, is it difficult to make a verb negative in Persian?
Mehrnaz: Not at all. You just add the prefixes ne, na, or naa.
John: How do we know which one to use?
Mehrnaz: The tense of the verbs decides whether we choose ne or na. But really, it comes down to practice and experience. Also, keep in mind that the choice is based on the dialect of the place in Iran; some use ne and some na. On the other hand, نا (naa) is used to negate an adjective.
John: Let’s get some practice in then! First, we’ll hear the affirmative version. For example, what is “I exercise?”
Mehrnaz: ورزش می کنم
John: And what is “I don’t exercise?”
Mehrnaz: ورزش نمی کنم.
John: Another example - “I will go.”
Mehrnaz: میرم
John: “I will not go.”
Merhnaz: نمیرم. I’d like to quickly point out that the present continuous tense and future continuous tense are the same in Persian.
John: It’s context that tells you which is which. Can you also show us the negative form of an adjective?
Mehrnaz: For example, راحت, raahat, meaning “comfortable,” in the negative form is ناراحت, naaraahat.
John: Meaning "uncomfortable” or "upset.” Let’s hear some example sentences with negative verbs.
Mehrnaz: من آنها را ندیدم.
John: “I did not see them.”
Mehrnaz: ما دیروز کار نکردیم.
John: “We didn’t work yesterday.” Now, I’d like to look specifically at the verb “to be.”
Mehrnaz: This is بودن. In Persian, there are no irregular verbs, as all verbs are considered regular.
John: That’s good! How do we use “to be” in a sentence?
Mehrnaz: Subject, followed by object, followed by a conjugation of بودن.
John: Let’s hear this in action.
Mehrnaz: .من در کلاس بودم
John: Which means “I was in class.” How do we negate the verb “to be?”
Mehrnaz: You just need to add na- in front of it. For example “I was not” is نبودم
John: To wrap up this lesson, could you give us some example sentences with negated forms of “to be?”
Mehrnaz: Sure, for example, دیروز خوشحال نبودم.
John: “I was not happy yesterday.”
Mehrnaz: آنها در خانه نبودند.
John: “They were not at home.”


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mehrnaz: خداحافظ (khodaahaafez).

