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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hi listeners, I’m Brandon.
Mohammad: And “Salam”, I’m Mohammad. How are you feeling everyone?
Brandon: Welcome back to PersianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 8 - Looking For Something in Iran. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask “Where?” and say the name of places using prepositions in Persian.
Mohammad: You’ll be listening to a conversation that happens inside a house, where two sisters named Shima and Majid are looking for a mobile phone.
Brandon: And since they're sisters, they’ll be using informal Persian.
Brandon: Mohammad, what kinds of mobile phones do people use in Iran?
Mohammad: Well, smartphones are very popular in Iran right now. Almost everyone, especially younger people, carry one, sending messages or checking their statuses.
Brandon: So, it’s just like other places. Do they just use it for messaging, or do they talk more?
Mohammad: In fact, they use it for talking—a lot! You’ll see people talking with mobiles everywhere, even crossing a street or driving a car.
Brandon: And, have the old phones completely disappeared from sight?
Mohammad: Not really. There are still some people that prefer the old ways over the modern ones. Especially those who value spending time with their families, will use phones just for very necessary purposes.
Brandon: It’s good to hear that! But still it may be really hard without one, if you lose it!
Mohammad: I agree! We may need to look for it using Persian!
Brandon: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we are going to learn in this lesson is “To be lost” or “Missing”.
Mohammad: Which is “ گم شدن “ (gom shodan).
Brandon: Just like in English, it has two parts, “To be” and “Lost”.
Mohammad: Mohammad: Which are “shodan” and “gom” respectively. Together they are “gom shodan.”
Brandon: It can be used either separately or after a noun.
Mohammad: And not just for objects, but also for people.
Brandon: What’s an example for an object, like a pencil?
Mohammad: “medaad” is “pencil”. “medaadam gom shode” means “My pencil is lost.”
Brandon: And if someone is lost?
Mohammad: For example “faateme gom shode” means “Fatemeh is lost.”
Brandon: Though I hope no one ever needs to use this last one!
Mohammad: Me too.
Brandon: Okay, the next phrase is...
Mohammad: “shaayad”. It means “Perhaps” or “Maybe.”
Brandon: It’s an adverb that turns a sentence into conditional form. When do you use it?
Mohammad: Like in English, when something is not certain, and may or may not happen.
Brandon: So, just by adding this, the whole sentence becomes conditional.
Mohammad: Actually, we have to change the verbs too. We have a conditional form for each verb. Like, for example, for “ast” or “is,” the conditional form is “baashad,” or informally it's “baashe.”
Brandon: Then the sentence “Maybe it's good” will be …?
Mohammad: “shaayad in khoob bashe.”
Brandon: And the “perhaps” part was?
Mohammad: “shaayad” (Pause) “shaayad.”
Brandon: Now, our last phrase is...
Mohammad: “peydaa kardan”, meaning “To find.”
Brandon: It’s another two-part verb.
Mohammad: Yes. “peydaa” means “Found,” and “kardan” is “To make.”
Brandon: How do you say “I found something”?
Mohammad: Simply say the object's name, add “ro”, and put “peydaa kardam” at the end.
Brandon: For example, can you say “I found my bag”?
Mohammad: “ کیفم رو پیدا کردم “ (kifam ro peydaa kardam).
Brandon: And to say “Something is found” you say ...?
Mohammad: “peydaa shod,” separately or after its name of course.
Brandon: Okay then. Next we’re going to learn how to say “Where” in Persian, in the grammar section. So let’s move on to the grammar!

Lesson focus

Brandon: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask and answer the question “Where is [something]?” in Persian. This is handy if you ever lose something and are desperately looking for it. What do you say in such a situation in Persian, Mohammad?
Mohammad: “ کجاست؟ “ (kojaast?), or “Where is it?” It consists of “kojaa” meaning “Where”, and “ast” meaning “is.”
Brandon: And how do you mention the name of what you’ve lost?
Mohammad: First we say its name, then add “e” to show possession, plus the pronoun representing the person that it belongs to, and finally we add “kojaast?”
Brandon: For example if you want to say “Where is my bag?” …
Mohammad: It’ll be “ کیف من کجاست؟ “ (kif-e man kojaast?).
Brandon: Hmm, the term we heard in the conversation was a little different though.
Mohammad: It was “kojaa bood” which is the past form of “kojaast.”
Brandon: So, it means that this one is used after something is found, just to state where it was, right?
Mohammad: Yes, and it’s used with the same order as “Kojaast”, after the noun.
Brandon: If I remember correctly, there was also another expression used for when something’s lost. What was the first thing we heard in the conversation?
Mohammad: “nadidi?” meaning “Haven’t you seen?”
Brandon: You mean “Have you seen?”
Mohammad: I guess that’s what it is in English. In Persian we use the negative form which is “nadidi?”
Brandon: So, it’s used when you want to ask another person about the object that you’ve lost. How do you make a sentence with “nadidi?”
Mohammad: Again, first we say the name of what we lost, then add “…e mano nadidi?” meaning “Haven’t you seen my …?”
Brandon: And can you say an example with a person instead of an object? For example, say “Haven’t you seen my friend Mina?”
Mohammad: “minaa doost-e mano nadidi?”
Brandon: Now let’s talk about the prepositions we use in answer to “Where”. Can you name some?
Mohammad: “tooye” means “In”.
Brandon: For example, “In the bag” becomes…?
Mohammad: “tooye kif.”
Brandon: Next...
Mohammad: “kenaare” means “Beside”, like “kenaare dar” or “Beside the door.”
Brandon: Next...
Mohammad: “roo-ye” means “On”, and “zir-e” means “under.”
Brandon: So, “Under the sea” is …?
Mohammad: “zir-e daryaa.”
Brandon: Can you say “Behind”?
Mohammad: “poshte.”
Brandon: For example, “Behind the door” is …
Mohammad: “poshte dar.”
Mohammad: Do you know the number 1 reason people don't study a second language?
Brandon: Not enough time.
Mohammad: You’re very busy.
Brandon: We know. And that’s why we have one click lesson downloads on iTunes!
Mohammad: Subscribe on iTunes.
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Mohammad: Basic and premium members, get all access to bonus lesson materials too!
Brandon: Save time. Spend more time studying.
Mohammad: Never worry about missing another lesson again!
Brandon: Go to iTunes, search with the phrase PersianPod101.com and click Subscribe.


Brandon: Great! So now we know how to find something in Iran! Listeners, how was it?
Mohammad: Let us know in the comments!
Brandon: And don’t forget to check the lesson notes! Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time!
Mohammad: “Khodaahaafez.”

