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How You’ll Learn Even More Persian in 2015. New, Free Lessons Start July 6th!

Hi Listener,

Here’s how you speak and understand more Persian in 2015…

With new PersianPod101 audio and video lessons by real teachers.

And this is important – you get new lessons for FREE, every week.

How? You simply start a lesson, hear native Persian conversation and have our teachers explain it all to you. Every word. Every grammar point. Every cultural insight. Sit back and learn – we’ll do the work. Learn directly on our site or on the go on your mobile device.

So, you’ll speak and understand more Persian with new, free lessons every week!

Here’s what you need to know. We’re starting a brand new season of lessons for the second half of 2015. So, starting July 6th, 2015, we’ll be releasing new seasons of audio and video lessons to get you mastering Persian the fast, fun and easy way! Here’s what you can expect.

PersianPod101’s Lesson Schedule:

  • Monday: Introduction – Culture Class: Holidays in Iran
  • Tuesday: Video Series – Listening Comprehension
  • Thursday: Free Throwback Thursday Lessons (Get a free random lesson from the past sent directly to your email inbox.)
  • Friday: Video Series – Culture Class: Iranian Holidays
  • Sunday: News & Announcement: Sunday News

Remember, you get new free Persian audio and video lessons EVERY Week! All PersianPod101’s newest lessons are free for the first three weeks! So, you have three weeks’ worth of lessons at any given time. Oh, and the first three lessons of every series are free too! This is one of the major advantages of being a Free Lifetime Account member at PersianPod101.

Check out the newest PersianPod101 lessons for free!
Click here to learn Persian with the newest lessons for FREE!

To your fluency!
Team PersianPod101

P.S. Your Persian summer lessons start now! Get a hot 29% OFF!
Ready to master more Persian this summer? Get 29% OFF any plan and start speaking Persian with real lessons by real teachers. Unlock our ENTIRE learning system – ALL audio and video lessons, mobile apps, lesson notes, Premium study tools and more! Just $2.84/month and up to $69.60 OFF! Ends 7/31/2015!

Click here to get a HOT 29% OFF at PersianPod101!

Click here to get a HOT 29% OFF at PersianPod101!